The following letters are just a few of the many letters that your busy Editor receives in her office each week.
Dear Carol: Two or three years ago Roanoke City was going to pass a law against crossdress- ing. I got on the phone with the Commonwealth attorney for at least half an hour and also sent him a copy of Understanding Crossdressing. He had thought that all crossdressers were "gay," and the result was the attorney
sent the draft of the proposed law to be voted on. Last year the newspaper started running stories about "queens" in hopes of getting the law put through. I called the attorney again and was told that he had no interest in putting the law into effect providing the news- papers didn't cause too much trouble. I then called the news- paper involved and set them straight as well as sending them a copy of Understanding Cross- dressing and our Press Release. It looks like the city and news- paper have wised up. RONA
Dear Carol: I am a hetero crossdresser in my early 40's. Four years ago I married a won- derful girl. I told her before we married that I was crossdressing but that it was behind me. I really thought that I could stop but one day, about five months later, she caught me dressed. I begged her forgiveness and swore
that I would not do it again; I tried, but before long I was crossdressing again. I did it in secret but the guilt was killing me and the marriage. She didn't catch me again until about a year later. She didn't say a word but went to church and talked to one of the officials who hap- pened to be one of my best friends. I was in real trouble. How could I find some clever way to escape. How could I go on? How could I face my friends - I thought that I would be put out of church. After much agony of thought, my common sense and a strong will to ride out the storm, no matter what, kept me from doing anything foolish.
It was not as bad as I had thought. After much discussion with the church counselor I said I would see a sex therapist to get "cured." I didn't go to see this therapist until two months later when I got caught again. I'm glad that I went. Now I know there is no "cure." On my second visit my wife went with me and now she knows what it's all about. Life is a lot better now and my wife is supportive and even helps me look my best as a girl. She says that if I'm going to do it, I have to look better if she is going to go out with me. I wish this
had happened 20 years earlier when I was younger. VANESSA
Dear Carol: As I sit here, com- pletely dressed and in seventh heaven, it is an absolute wonder to me that I ever desired to stop dressing in the first place. I can't begin to explain the mysterious hold that dressing as a woman has on me nor why I love femi- ninity so much. I only know that for me, from now on, I must express this side of my per- sonality. Without Dacyl, Keith doesn't function well at all. There are few things in life that match the pleasure which is mine when I am dressed and I do not intend to rob myself of the ex- perience again; DACYL
This issue of Transvestia has four more pages than usual. I made up my mind to give our readers the remaining portion of the long story, First Lady. The story is long and I should have carried it over to another issue but because of the indefinite dates of publication of this peri- odical, I thought it only fair to finish up the story.